Publishers: Paul Blaisdell and Bob Burns
Editor: Ron Haydock
1962 - 1963
FanMo was started by Paul Blaisdell and Bob Burns in an effort to produce a more mature monster magazine. Ron Haydock and Jim Harmon were brought on board to write the articles and edit the mag. Popular features included "The Devil's Workshop" (how-to-do-it spfx) articles by Blaisdell and others and the "Monster of the Month" color fold-out posters. The covers of issues nos. 2-6 were photos of various Blaisdell creations from movies like The She Creature and It Conquered the World. Larry Byrd painted the "Son of Frankenstein" fold-out cover for no. 7. Issue no. 8 was at the printers when a fire (suspiciously) broke out and destroyed all the material for that issue, plus many valuable stills, lobby cards, etc. owned by Burns and Blaisdell. The financial loss was too much for the publishers and the run of one of the '60s best monster mags was ended. For more detailed information on Fantastic Monsters, see the book Paul Blaisdell, Monster Maker by Randy Palmer (McFarland) and issue no. 5 (Summer 1995) of Monsterscene magazine.

Cover Art by Larry Byrd
What I liked about FanMO is the great glossy covers and logo . And the articles were great. At 15 I may have been impressionable but it was a delightful entertaining short lived mag